Why choose Microbabe Studio?
After spending 10's of thousands of dollars on training, Stephanie always left the classes feeling confused and not supported enough to have confidence in what she was learning. It felt like the teachers were just out to make money and didn't care about how well they were teaching. Stephanie never wants her students to feel the way she did and genuinely cares about setting her students up for success.
You pick your training style here. Whether its one on on one or group classes, choose what works best for you. Stephanie has a lot of passion for what she does and that shows in her training.
Microbabe Studio 1:1 Training
This class is a 4 day Microblading Class, cost is $4300+gst. This class includes a bonus shadowing day ($1000 value) you have the ability to use for up to 6 months after you finish. This class can be done 4 days in a row, or we can split the days up so you have more time to practice in between and absorb the information. With one on one classes we tailor more to your specific learning style and schedule.
Dates for 1:1 training are chosen by you and Stephanie for whatever works for your schedule
Group Training
Certain dates will be set for group training